Understanding Israelis in the Business World… A Welcome User Guide

January 27th, 2019


Start Up Nation provides an invigorating and exciting perspective on the Israeli start up culture.  Innovation and creation are the norm, and are tendencies that are fed directly by Israel’s unique education and culture.  However, moving ever so slowly past that exciting 10,000 foot perspective, the day to day interactions with Israeli companies can be somewhat more… complex.  This article/book do an outstanding job of summarizing the unique components to the Israeli business mentality, and provide a useful explanatory guide to the outsiders (and insiders!).

Of note: Israel now #5 in the list of innovative countries!! http://nocamels.com/2019/01/israel-5th-2019-bloomberg-innovation-index/


Israel companies exit for over $12B in 2018! http://nocamels.com/2019/01/israeli-exit-for-12billion-2018/