The experts continue to predict positive growth of the telemedicine, telehealth and digital health markets for at least the next five years. With an upward growth trend of at least 24%, Telehealth remains one of the hottest growth areas of medicine. The factors contributing to the growth of telemedicine include the formations of ACAs within which const containment is paramount, the availability of accessible and useful technology – hardware and software, and the provision of such care to rural clients. As usual, the factors preventing explosive Telemedicine growth include insufficient (but improving) reimbursement and lack of universal acceptance of telemedicine as a reliable modality of care delivery. I would additionally add that state licensure requirements, which are unnecessarily rigid and inhibitory, is another factor that will continue to impede appropriate growth in the Telehealth Market. To date the bullish yearly predictions for telehealth growth have been on the money, and there is no reason to suspect that it wouldn’t be the case this year as well.